
General, In Your Area, Neighbourhood | 14/09/2019
Braving the weather to support local families

The Neighbourhood Engagement team, in partnership with the Smallshaw-Hurst Children’s Community (affiliated with Save the Children), braved the rain five weeks in a row when delivering activities for families across…

In Your Area, Jigsaw Foundation, Jigsaw Rewards | 06/09/2019
Jigsaw Foundation 2019 grants fully allocated for Adactus Housing Association

Our Jigsaw Foundation launched in April 2019 and is the Group’s approach to community investment. It combines the old Breathe Investment Grants and Great Neighbourhoods Fund. The Jigsaw Foundation has…

Jigsaw Support News | 06/09/2019
Co-production in GM Housing First (Video)

Jigsaw Support is heavily involved in Greater Manchester’s Housing First pilot, GM Housing First as delivery partners for Tameside and Stockport. Much like Jigsaw Support’s own flagship Housing First projects,…

In Your Area, Neighbourhood | 05/09/2019
Pennington House residents get crafty

Every Thursday afternoon at 2 pm, residents from Pennington House, Leigh, have been hosting craft sessions, with many other local residents coming down to the communal lounge to take part….

General | 04/09/2019
Chat currently unavailable

If you have tried to Chat online with us you may have experienced some difficulty getting through. Web Chat is currently unavailable due to a technical issue and we are…

In Your Area, Jigsaw Foundation, Jigsaw Rewards | 03/09/2019
Jigsaw Foundation awards Manchester Carers Forum £11,540

One of Adactus Housing’s last grants for 2019 has been awarded to Manchester Carers Forum, who has been awarded a grant of £11,540 over a two year period. The project…

Jigsaw Foundation, Jigsaw Rewards, Neighbourhood | 30/08/2019
Jigsaw Foundation grant funding to Wigan Youth Zone and Homeless Support Project

Wigan Youth Zone has been awarded £25,000 from the Jigsaw Foundation. It is a state-of-the-art youth facility for young people that offers a place for youngsters to meet friends, learn…

In Your Area, Jigsaw Foundation, Jigsaw Rewards, Neighbourhood, Scrutiny | 20/08/2019
Jigsaw Foundation – funding helps healthy living in Stalybridge

Jigsaw Foundation has awarded Stalybridge Celtic Foundation £26,197.50 to deliver projects within the Hague, Ridgehill and Central Stalybridge neighbourhoods. It will help improve the health and lifestyles of people in…

General | 20/08/2019
Miles Platting summer holiday food and fun

In the first two weeks of August, 4CT (a charity that supports people, neighbourhoods and communities across Greater Manchester) partnered with Church of the Apostles to deliver a holiday food…

General, In Your Area, Neighbourhood | 20/08/2019
Neighbourhood team co-host at Manchester Caribbean Carnival.

Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 of August, Neighbourhhood Engagement Officers, Vikki Barry, John McGlynn and Gemma Bennett, co-hosted an event at Manchester Caribbean Carnival. The Carnival is a huge event…

In Your Area, Jigsaw Foundation, Jigsaw Rewards, Neighbourhood | 15/08/2019
Jigsaw Foundation – funding given to children’s ward and community project

MedEquip4Kids is a charity which works hard to improve the health of children and babies in the UK by providing equipment not available from limited NHS resources. Jigsaw Foundation has…

General | 13/08/2019
Miles Platting Summer Festival 2019

Recently, the Neighbourhood Engagement and Housing Officers (Rosemary Grant-Muller, Carolyn Alston, John Gilmore, Dave Crowe and Patrice Campbell) hosted the Miles Platting Summer Festival for residents and community groups at…

General | 02/08/2019
Jigsaw Homes Group achieves G1V1 rating from Regulator of Social Housing

Jigsaw Homes Group have received a top rating from the Regulator of Social Housing for its governance and financial capability.

In Your Area, Jigsaw Rewards, Scrutiny | 02/08/2019
Jigsaw Rewards Scrutiny panel update

Our Jigsaw Rewards Scrutiny panel met for the second time to discuss on-going investigations into the Jigsaw Connect service.

Development | 25/07/2019
New affordable homes to be built on site of former Wigan scrap yard

Jigsaw Homes Group, one of the largest housing developers in the North West, has had a planning application approved to build 49 high quality affordable homes in Wigan on the site of a former scrap yard on Pocket Nook Lane, Lowton.

General, In Your Area, Jigsaw Foundation | 18/07/2019
Jigsaw Foundation helps fund projects in the heart of our communities

Jigsaw Foundation is now awarding grants to community and resident projects, charities and voluntary organisations to provide essential funding in our neighbourhoods to those who need it most.

Jigsaw Rewards | 15/07/2019
Jigsaw Rewards detailed survey feedback – Managing our tenancies

We are developing a new tenancy policy which will outline how we will continue to manage tenancies. The way we manage our tenancies is subject to specific legal requirements, however,…

Jigsaw Support News | 09/07/2019
Jigsaw Support launch – exciting times ahead for the Group’s support services

Wednesday 10 July sees the launch of Jigsaw Support which brings together all the Group’s existing support, homelessness, domestic abuse, community and prevention services under one umbrella. Services that are…

Scrutiny | 08/07/2019
Jigsaw Rewards – first Scrutiny meeting of 2019

The Jigsaw Rewards Scrutiny Panel met for the first time to share their views about the first Scrutiny topic and agree the scope of the group-wide scrutiny exercise.

Neighbourhood | 05/07/2019
Wigan Community Day

Adactus Housing Association volunteers will have a stall at Wigan Community this Saturday 6 July 2019.