How can we help you today?
Jigsaw Foundation
Jigsaw Foundation is an exciting new £450,000 fund to support local projects run by charities, resident and community groups, voluntary organisations, social enterprises and partner agencies.
Jigsaw Rewards
Jigsaw Rewards is an exciting opportunity for Jigsaw Group residents to give us regular feedback on our services and plans for the future. In return, you will receive points which can be exchanged for gift vouchers or credits on your rent account. It is simple and quick to register!
'Be Zero' - Jigsaw Group Sustainability Plan
Be Zero sets out our ambitious plans to become a carbon neutral organisation by 2050. The projects and initiatives we will be delivering as part of our new evolving sustainability strategy, will not only be good for business and the planet, but will also improve the health and wellbeing of our communities.
Jigsaw Support
Jigsaw Support brings together our support services from across the Jigsaw Group including: Motiv8, Inspire, homelessness and housing advice services, Housing First, complex families, domestic abuse support, employment support projects and agency managed properties.
Neighbourhood Plans
We have developed detailed Neighbourhood Plans to help target resources to areas in need and through a range of activities make you feel happier with your neighbourhood. The plans take on board feedback from employees, residents and partners who work in your community and take into consideration a number of performance indicators such as satisfaction levels.