Category: Neighbourhood

In Your Area, Neighbourhood | 23/07/2021
Our services update for Miles Platting residents

UPDATED: 20 July 2021 The Government roadmap has moved into the next step with many restrictions lifting from 19 July 2021. As we look forward to resuming a more normal…

Neighbourhood | 19/07/2021
Jigsaw to mark UK’s first ASB Awareness Week

Jigsaw Homes Group has joined a national campaign that is bringing together people and organisations from across the country to take a stand against anti-social behaviour and make communities safer….

General, In Your Area, Jigsaw Foundation, Jigsaw Rewards, Neighbourhood | 24/05/2021
£500,000 Community funding available for 2021

Our £500,000 community fund is now available for neighbourhood and community based projects! The fund supports local projects run by charities, resident and community groups, voluntary organisations, social enterprises and…

General, Jigsaw Rewards, Neighbourhood, You Said We Did | 16/03/2021
You Said – We Did: Energy Advice

The views and experiences of our residents are at the heart of what we do.  Actively involving our residents, helps us improve and shape our services. Through Jigsaw Rewards we…

Jigsaw Group News, Jigsaw Support, Neighbourhood | 15/03/2021
Lessons from lockdown: what our communities have taught us

As featured in Inside Housing on 12 March, after our work in neighbourhoods had to be stepped up during the pandemic, Donna Kelly, our Group Director of Support and Neighbourhoods,…

General, Jigsaw Rewards, Neighbourhood, You Said We Did | 01/03/2021
You Said – We Did: Jobs and Skills

The views and experiences of our residents are at the heart of our plans, helping us to make the changes needed to improve our neighbourhood services. We want to have…

In Your Area, Neighbourhood | 01/07/2020
The Spinnerettes

Residents at The Spinney, an elderly care scheme managed by Beech Housing Association, have formed an outdoor exercise group which they are calling ‘The Spinnerettes’. Each day residents in the…

Gardens & Allotments, General, In Your Area, Jigsaw Foundation, Neighbourhood | 25/05/2020
Jigsaw Group Gardening Competition 2020 Now Open!

Do you have a creative garden, yard, window box, lawn or hanging basket? Whether you have a huge garden, a collection of tubs on your balcony/patio or a shared space…

In Your Area, Jigsaw Foundation, Neighbourhood | 19/05/2020
Jigsaw Group delivers the goods

As part of Manchester City Councils Food Provision, Alex Patton, Michael Henson, Robert Bacon, Paul Cassidy, Paul Hadfield and Shazad Azam from Jigsaw Group have been going to Manchester twice…

General, In Your Area, Neighbourhood | 02/03/2020
25 ex-military personnel homed by Jigsaw Group

As part of Jigsaw Group’s commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant, since 2018 the Group has helped house 25 ex-military personnel in its homes across the North West. The Armed…

Jigsaw Foundation, Jigsaw Rewards, Neighbourhood, Photo Task, Scrutiny | 05/02/2020
Jigsaw Rewards – have your say and earn rewards

Jigsaw Rewards is our innovative online tenant engagement programme that encourages our tenants to provide regular feedback on services and plans for the future. The website ( allows you to…

Jigsaw Foundation, Jigsaw Rewards, Neighbourhood | 22/01/2020
Jigsaw Foundation funding for Pennington House

Jigsaw Foundation has awarded £2,400 worth of funding to the Pennington House Residents’ Group. The funding will enable the residents to have valuable social evenings and trips out throughout the…

Development, In Your Area, Neighbourhood | 06/01/2020
Jigsaw Group help ‘Beat the January Blues’

Jigsaw Group has teamed up with Lane End New Beginnings to co-fund the Intact Centre’s ‘Beat the January Blues’ project. The Intact Centre, based in Preston, is a hub for…

Jigsaw Rewards, Neighbourhood, Scrutiny | 23/12/2019
Tenants scrutinise Fire Risk Assessments

The Jigsaw Rewards Scrutiny Panel recently met at our Ashton-under-Lyne office for their second scrutiny meeting of our Fire Risk Assessments (FRAs). The purpose of this meeting was to discuss…

In Your Area, Neighbourhood | 19/12/2019
Taking training to our communities

The Neighbourhood Engagement team have recently completed accredited and non-accredited training with 22 residents in our communities. They offer training within community settings to enable residents to learn together in…

Neighbourhood | 12/12/2019
Residents receive home energy support

On one of the coldest day of the year so far, the Neighbourhood Engagement team teamed up with Groundwork and Gorton community grocers to provide home energy support to local…

In Your Area, Neighbourhood | 29/11/2019
Autumn in Action finale

Last week saw our Autumn in Action finale with clubs, creative activities and social events. Our Neighbourhood Engagement team certainly warmed up the season as they brought a range of…

In Your Area, Neighbourhood | 19/11/2019
Autumn in Action weeks 2 & 3 round up

We’ve now completed weeks 2 & 3 of Autumn in Action and our Neighbourhood Engagement team have been out in our communities, delivering a wide variety of events and activities…

In Your Area, Neighbourhood | 12/11/2019
Neighbourhood Engagement team support 25 residents into work

Since April 2019, Jigsaw Group’s Ashton-under-Lyne Work Club has helped to support 25 unemployed residents secure paid employment. This was achieved by the Group’s Neighbourhood Engagement team working in partnership…

In Your Area, Jigsaw Foundation, Neighbourhood | 06/11/2019
Jigsaw Foundation funding boosts LINK Project.

Jigsaw Foundation has awarded £12,860 to the LINK Good Neighbours Arts and Activities Project. The project is run by Rusholme, Fallowfield and Moss Side Good Neighbours CIO group. Several Jigsaw…