The latest Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) have now been published and are available to view. Find out how Jigsaw Homes is performing on the following five themes:
- Keeping properties in good repair
- Maintaining building safety
- Effective handling of complaints
- Respectful and helpful engagement
- Responsible neighbourhood management.
Who did we survey?
We use an automated digital survey distributed by the software company Voicescape, to collect resident’s feedback. This was expanded by a smaller number of responses (15.7) gained through calls made through a third-party telephone survey company named SPS Doorguard. The telephone surveys took place during the months of February and March 2024, ensuring that there was a range of different tenants in different types of housing.
Low Cost Rental Accommodation – Key Takeaways
- Overall satisfaction:
69.5% are either very or fairly satisfied with the service provided by Jigsaw Homes. - Keeping properties in good repair:
71.4% are either very or fairly satisfied with the overall repairs service from Jigsaw Homes over the last 12 months. - Maintaining building safety:
72.2% are either very or fairly satisfied that Jigsaw Homes provides a home that is safe. - Respectful and helpful engagement:
71.4% either strongly agree or agree that Jigsaw Homes treats them fairly and with respect. - Effective handling of complaints:
65.4% of stage one and 100% of stage two complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code timescales. - Responsible neighbourhood management:
69.7% are either very or fairly satisfied with Jigsaw Homes keeping communal areas clean and well-maintained.
Low Cost Home Ownership – Key Takeaways
- Overall satisfaction:
41.2% are either very or fairly satisfied with the service provided by Jigsaw Homes. - Keeping properties in good repair:
98.8% of emergency responsive repairs were completed within the target timescale. - Maintaining building safety:
52.6% are either very or fairly satisfied that Jigsaw Homes provides a home that is safe. - Respectful and helpful engagement:
52.7% either strongly agree or agree that Jigsaw Homes keeps them informed about things that matter to them. - Effective handling of complaints:
53.3% of stage one and 100% of stage two complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code timescales. - Responsible neighbourhood management:
41.1% are either very or fairly satisfied with Jigsaw Homes keeping communal areas clean and well-maintained.