
Miles Platting Residents Benefit from Jigsaw Homes’ Support

Jigsaw Homes have been working hard to support residents across Miles Platting by helping organisations and residents successfully apply for funding.

Neighbourhood Engagement Officer Gemma Bennet helped the Miles Platting Residents’ Association and Community Grocer volunteers get a £500 grant from Manchester City Council’s neighbourhood investment fund.

The money will be matched funded from Jigsaw’s own neighbourhood funds to run ‘cooking on a budget’ sessions as well as to buy ingredients.

She has also applied for £2,000 to the MCR Active Manchester Moving fund to support children and young people in Miles Platting to become more active. Gemma will work with local residents to find out what activities and sports they would like to be involved in and then bring in appropriate instructors.

As part of a financial wellbeing project, Jigsaw is also helping residents who are struggling in the light of the energy price rises by offering emergency funds to help them top up their meters. Our residents will then be contacted for a welfare benefits check to help move them out of financial difficulty and make sure they are receiving the money they are entitled to.

Together Gemma and Jigsaw Homes’ money advisor Tina Chadwick have also completed 22 housing support fund applications from Manchester City Council to help provide residents with one-off payments for food, energy or wider essentials. Individuals will be awarded £70, families £100 or £150 for larger families or those with a disability or health condition.