
Celebrating our Successful Motiv8 Partnership

Celebrating our Successful Motiv8 Partnership

Funders, stakeholders, partners and Greater Manchester colleagues gathered to celebrate and reflect on the success of the Motiv8 partnership that has worked together for the last six years.

Since its launch in 2017, Motiv8 has provided support to around 6,000 people across Greater Manchester to help them overcome barriers to get back on track. The project, funded by The National Lottery Community Fund and European Social Fund, has been led by Jigsaw and delivered in partnership with Bolton at Home (through Starts With You), ForHousing, Stockport Homes (through Skylight) and Wythenshawe Community Housing Group.

The event, held at the Village Hotel in Ashton, was chaired by Donna Kelly, Group Director – Neighbourhoods and Support and included speeches from Sue Ormiston, EU Programme Manager, The National Lottery Community Fund, and Jigsaw Group Chief Executive, Hilary Roberts, who said: “Motiv8 has been a true partnership; five housing organisations working together to deliver the service across the whole of Greater Manchester – so thank you to all of the delivery hubs, as well as our specialist partners, Wai Yin Society and Shelter.  

This has truly been an inspirational programme that has transformed the lives of so many people and we have been very proud to be a part of it.  It leaves a great legacy.”